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Double-digit growth for MBE Worldwide in FY2022

Milan, Italy – May 8, 2023 – MBE Worldwide (“MBE”) is a leading commerce enablement platform providing e-commerce, fulfillment, shipping, marketing and print solutions to SMBs and consumers. MBE closed FY2022 with €1.3 bln (US$1.4 bln) of System-wide Gross Revenue – generated through its location-based platform made of 3,150+ Business Solution Centers in 52 Countries, operating under different brands: PrestaShop, Mail Boxes Etc., PostNet, PACK & SEND, AlphaGraphics, Multicopy, GEL Proximity and World Options – and €22 bln (US$23 bln) of Gross Merchandise Value traded through its digital platform under the brand PrestaShop.

During 2022 MBE opened 153 new Business Solution Centers globally and signed three new Master License (ML) Agreements – Colombia, Morocco and Ecuador – thus expanding its global platform into new territories.

Furthermore, in 2022 MBE successfully concluded further strategic acquisitions such as World Options and Gel Proximity. World Options is a provider of shipping solutions for business customers in the UK and the US, while GEL Proximity is a tech platform entirely dedicated to last mile logistics, allowing consumers to choose among different proximity services.

“I can proudly say that 2022 has been probably our best year ever, both in terms of organic and inorganic growth.” – says Paolo Fiorelli, MBE Chairman and CEO – “Within a complex macro-economic context exacerbated by high inflation in many Countries in which we operate, uncertainty regarding energy resources, and rising supply chain costs, our results have been extremely positive. We increased MBE Worldwide Group System-wide Gross Revenue of + 28.7% passing from €1.01 bln (US$1.2 bln) in FY2021 to €1.3 bln (US$1.4 bln) in FY2022. The ambition, discipline, commitment and passion of the Team, both at Corporate and Network level, have been fueling our daily activities and helping us reach our challenging goals.”

Paolo Fiorelli additionally states: “We continue to strengthen our capacity as a Global Commerce enabler for SMBs and consumers combining the synergies of our two integrated platforms: the physical one counting today more than 3,150 Business Solution Centers in 52 Countries and the digital one represented by our PrestaShop e-commerce suite. Through the two platforms in 2022 we fulfilled the commerce needs of over 1 million business customers worldwide.”

MBE is concentrating effort to combine its worldwide network of Business Solution Centers with PrestaShop, one of the most successful e-commerce platforms in the market, positioning MBE as a unique player in the global landscape. “Our future plans will keep leveraging on the passion, commitment and skills of our People combined with our innovative technologies, to help all of our customers to solve their daily challenges.”, concludes Paolo Fiorelli.

Mail Boxes Etc. celebrates 30 years as the business partner of SMBs in Italy and Worldwide

Milan, Italy – April 20, 2023: MBE Italy – part of the MBE Worldwide S.p.A. group of companies (“MBE”) since 2009 – is celebrating its 30 year Anniversary. Since opening its first Service Center in Milan, Italy in 1993, MBE Italy has grown to more than 580 Business Solution Centers while the MBE group has grown into a global commerce platform combining a leading e-commerce enabler together with a multi-brand location-based network of over 3,150 Business Solution Centers in 52 countries.

MBE is a leading Global Commerce enabler for SMBs and consumers thanks to its platform providing e-commerce, fulfillment, shipping, marketing and print solutions. MBE’s innovative and entrepreneurial business model, unique selling proposition, and high-quality range of solutions have attracted many entrepreneurs over the years, resulting in an increasing number of countries joining the MBE network. The company attributes its success to its vast range of tailored solutions, specifically designed to meet the needs of SMBs and consumers.

Italy was the pioneering country of the MBE network, with its first Business Solution Center opening in Milan in April 1993. MBE Italy was established by Mr. Graziano Fiorelli and his son Paolo, who developed the business following the successful performance of the MBE concept in the USA.

Over time, MBE acquired the rights to operate the MBE brand in additional countries, including Spain and Germany, then France, Poland, Portugal, and the United Kingdom & Ireland.

An important milestone dates back to 2009, when the Fiorelli family acquired the Mail Boxes Etc. business and brand at worldwide level (except USA and Canada) via MBE Worldwide.

Today MBE Italy celebrates its 30th Anniversary. Graziano Fiorelli, MBE Chairman Emeritus, says: “With my son Paolo we have developed a company with a winning business model, aiming to build that company to a global scale. This result was only made possible through the efforts of our many passionate and talented people.” 

Paolo Fiorelli, MBE Chairman and CEO, states: “My father started this entrepreneurial journey, and I kept building on it. We have always firmly believed that expanding MBE globally would be of paramount significance, and MBE’s results so far have proved us right. Today MBE continues to enable many entrepreneurs to realize their ambitions, as part of a strong and well-established organization in Italy and abroad. Our mission is to support customers in their daily challenges, with tailored solutions and professional service, acting as their flexible engine for growth and development.”.

MBE’s vision is reflected in its #PeoplePossible pay-off, embodying its team’s distinctive ability to respond to continuously changing business needs with courage, tenacity, competence, and a deep passion for customers.

Join the MBE Network and grow your customers’ business.

Open your MBE Center and provide end-to-end services
to your professional clients in order to fuel their growth.

Thousands of SMBs want to take a leap towards innovation.
And thanks to your new skills they will be able to do so.

With the e-commerce and logistics sector expanding, the SMBs that populate the market today need daily support from specialized professionals. Someone always ready to provide the right solutions. By joining the MBE world you can be that partner, taking your customer’s e-commerce logistics to a new level of efficiency, and we will be by your side. Mail Boxes Etc. is one of the world’s largest networks of service centers, owned and managed by independent Entrepreneurs who provide shipping, logistics & e-commerce, fulfillment, print and marketing solutions to businesses and individuals.

Meet the MBE team

Meet the MBE team


Becoming tenacious

MBE will provide you with optimal
and thorough preparation. Everything
you need in order to become a
benchmark in the market for
professional SMB services.

Advanced and continuous training

We will help you and your team
acquire all the skills you need.
With advanced and on-site training
tools at certified centers. With the
constant support of our Network.

Competitive solutions

Thanks to MBE, you can become
a Solution Manager and offer your
customers a full range of effective,
state-of-the-art solutions.
To develop the full potential of their

Omni-channel marketing

MBE will support you through
our business programs, lead
generation initiatives and
omni-channel marketing campaigns.


Ready to take a leap forward in your working life?

If your goal is to grow your digital skills and your business, then so is ours. With the talent that you and thousands of other Entrepreneurs like you have, we can give the market what it asks of us and make a difference, together.

Take charge of your future within the MBE team:
now is the time to unleash your potential.


MBE launches MBE eShip

MBE Worldwide launches MBE eShip, the suite of digital solutions for e-commerce logistics


MBE Worldwide (“MBE”) is proud to reaffirm its commitment to providing best-in-class digital solutions, in both e-commerce and B2B markets. Continuing that journey of innovation, MBE has taken MBE e-LINK, the existing plug-in that automates e-commerce logistics and shipments, and developed MBE eShip. MBE eShip is not just a new name and logo, but a whole new user experience, including new functionality and enhanced performance – an ‘easy to access’ suite of solutions for e-commerce businesses.


MBE eShip, developed both as an integrated plug-in version and as an upcoming online platform, allows e-tailers to automate orders and returns management by connecting their e-commerce web-store to MBE systems, allowing MBE to take care of all logistics operations, behind the scenes.

MBE eShip represents the ideal solution for small and medium businesses that want to sell online, even in the startup phase, due to its flexibility and highly customizable features. It helps merchants extend their online store functions and allows them to create different shipping options for their customers. Through MBE eShip, e-commerce business owners can entrust their logistics – from order management to product shipping operations – to the experts at Mail Boxes Etc., allowing them to dedicate their resources and time to other business needs instead.

The MBE eShip PLUG-IN can be connected to multiple sales channels at the same time, with the latest market release already available for PrestaShop and coming soon for WooCommerce and Shopify merchants.

Designed to increase e-commerce customer satisfaction by providing a smoother buying experience, MBE eShip automatically generates the shipment paperwork, the shipping label and the tracking code. Both MBE eShip PLUG-IN and MBE eShip WEB make the logistics and shipping processes easier and more efficient.

“E-commerce is a vitally important industry with a constant evolution and continuous growth. We are committed to the development of innovative digital products and further enhance our business solutions to help SMBs satisfy increasingly demanding customers” commented Valeria Mennella, Chief Marketing Officer, MBE Worldwide. “MBE eShip is aimed at growing merchant competitiveness in the e-commerce space by providing them with a tailor-made service to optimize and automate their logistics, shipping and order management processes”.

Embrace your ambition

Join our passionate Network in providing companies and private customers with E-commerce, Shipping, Logistics and Print & Marketing services.

Great ambition drives greater results.
Pursue your goals in a growing industry that is waiting for people just like you.

Right now, thousands of entrepreneurs are on a journey towards their own professional growth with MBE.

They are on the same adventure that inspired us and made us stand out over the years in e-commerce, shipping, logistics, printing and marketing solutions aimed to support SMEs and individuals. A journey that never stopped, even in front of the challenges the world had to face.


+45 countries

Our passion knows no boundaries. That’s why we provide services and expertise to thousands of business customers all over the world.


1,800+ MBE Service Centers

Gli imprenditori e le Imprenditrici MBE sanno di poter contare su di noi. E noi ripaghiamo la loro fiducia con competenza, professionalità e con una presenza forte sul territorio.


250,000 business customers

This is why our client base continues to grow. Keep doing your best: together, we make a difference.



Ready to go even further?

With the talent that you, and thousands of other entrepreneurs bring to the table, we can do it.
And we want to do it! Bringing the MBE team together with more and more energy, quality, and innovation. Together.


Your life needs a boss like you

Start your own business with Mail Boxes Etc. Contact us to learn more.


Are you looking for independence in your professional life? In that case, you are looking for MBE.

Lead to your full potential and be satisfied with motivation, passion, fairness, and connection with other people. Now, you can become your own boss and be a part of a strong Team always at your side, which only wants your professional growth.


Opening an MBE Center offers you the opportunity to be part of one of the largest retail franchises in the world. But what are the advantages for you in becoming a franchisee?


Brand recognition

Credibility, trustworthiness, branding:
being part of a well-known company
means a good start for a new
Entrepreneur. Take the opportunity
to be part of one of the largest
Networks of Service Centers,
who provide shipping,
fulfillment, print and marketing
solutions to businesses and individuals.

Wide customer base

MBE gives you the opportunity
to build your business on a good base.
SMEs and individuals are interested
in our services, and our aim is to always
improve our relationship with them.

Fully developed training plans

You will be able to count on extensive
experience and know-how when you
set up your business. And when you
run it day-to-day.

Ongoing marketing and operational support

To accompany Entrepreneurs right
from the start, with full coaching
and assistance in daily professional


Why choose MBE?


Because we truly believe in the talent of our Entrepreneurs, which are the core of our business.
Our real professional goal is to maximize your talent.


Embrace the MBE experience: a continuous exchange of value, which makes us all #PeoplePossible.


MBE Worldwide acquisisce World Options


MBE Worldwide (“MBE”) è lieta di annunciare l’acquisizione di una quota di maggioranza di World Options, azienda del Regno Unito che fornisce servizi di spedizione e logistica con oltre 120 franchisee e agenti nel Regno Unito, Stati Uniti, Australia, Paesi Bassi e Belgio.


MBE Worldwide (“MBE”) è una piattaforma leader a livello mondiale nell’offerta di soluzioni in ambito e-commerce, spedizioni, logistica e servizi di stampa e marketing a supporto di PMI e privati. Nel 2021 MBE ha servito più di 1.000.000 di clienti nel mondo generando un fatturato aggregato pari a € 1,01 miliardi (US$ 1,2 miliardi), attraverso i suoi oltre 2.900 Centri Servizi in 53 paesi, e circa € 24 miliardi (US$ 28,5 miliardi) di ricavi lordi di vendita intermediati attraverso le soluzioni per e-commerce PrestaShop.
World Options è un’azienda che fornisce servizi di spedizione e serve oltre 10.000 PMI in tutte le loro esigenze di spedizione, dai piccoli pacchi alle merci voluminose, sia a livello nazionale che internazionale. L’azienda opera attraverso una rete di franchisee e agenti in tutto il Regno Unito, Stati Uniti, Australia, Paesi Bassi e Belgio.

Questa acquisizione rappresenta un ulteriore passo strategico nel percorso di crescita di MBE Worldwide, permettendo di aggiungere una squadra di imprenditori e professionisti orientati alle vendite, rafforzando così il posizionamento competitivo dell’azienda come piattaforma commerciale e logistica al servizio delle imprese.

“World Options è un’eccellente aggiunta strategica per MBE grazie al suo modello di business orientato all’imprenditorialità, incentrato sulle persone e sul servizio al cliente, che si adatta perfettamente al business e alla cultura di MBE”, ha dichiarato Paolo Fiorelli, Presidente e Amministratore Delegato MBE. “Diamo il benvenuto a World Options nella famiglia MBE e non vediamo l’ora di lavorare insieme per continuare a rafforzare la nostra piattaforma integrata, sia fisica che digitale, per supportare la crescita dei nostri clienti”.

“Questo è uno sviluppo entusiasmante per World Options” ha affermato Stewart Butler, CEO e fondatore di World Options. “Unire le nostre forze con MBE crea opportunità uniche per far crescere la nostra attività a beneficio dei nostri imprenditori e dei nostri clienti, con colleghi che hanno grande competenza nella gestione di una rete di imprenditori basata sul franchising”.


Trust the future: join a team where You means Us.

Become a Business Enabler for SMEs and private clients with the MBE Network.


There is a way to better face today’s challenges. And it is together. To be stronger, to extend the possibilities
and build the future with more trust. All this, with the incredible power of a word: TEAM.

A team you can rely on. Working by your side. Believing in your goals. This is what it means to open an MBE Service Center.
A worldwide team where You really means Us, because it’s made of people like you. People who, in a group, want to find the trust they need in order to believe in their future.
Now it’s your turn!


Ready to join us? Take a look at our numbers.
Because trust is built on solid foundations.



40+ countries

You can find us all over the world.
Efficiency and teamwork have
brought us this far.


About 1,800 MBE
Service Centers

A widespread presence. Many Entrepreneurs believed in the
strength of the MBE approach and they continue to do so.

250,000 business

Every day, MBE Solutions give thousands of people the answers
they are looking for. And you can play an important part in those



A world of reliability


Becoming an MBE Entrepreneur means being a reference point in the E-commerce, Shipping & Packaging, Logistics, Printing and Marketing sectors. Create your tomorrow as a solution maker for countless small and medium-sized businesses and private clients.


It’s time to listen to your desire for rebirth:
fall in love with your work!


Together, we can take that step towards your dream, because you’ll have the right tools to do it. Our world is made of people who have had doubts, fears and uncertainties, just like you. But thanks to MBE’s strength they overcame every difficulty and created a business. Turning their passion into a new exciting future. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Take your chance!


MBE Worldwide acquisisce GEL Proximity per crescere nei servizi logistici di prossimità


MBE Worldwide (“MBE”) è una piattaforma leader a livello mondiale nell’offerta di soluzioni in ambito e-commerce, spedizioni, logistica e servizi di stampa e marketing a supporto di PMI e privati. Nel 2021 MBE ha servito più di 1.000.000 di clienti nel mondo generando un fatturato aggregato pari a € 1,01 miliardi (US$ 1,2 miliardi), attraverso i suoi oltre 2.900 Centri Servizi in 53 paesi, e circa € 24 miliardi (US$ 28,5 miliardi) di ricavi lordi di vendita intermediati attraverso le soluzioni per e-commerce PrestaShop.

GEL Proximity è una piattaforma interamente dedicata ai servizi di ultimo miglio, grazie a un connettore tecnologico che attualmente offre ai consumatori decine di migliaia di Punti di Ritiro in Italia. Nel 2020 GEL Proximity, uno spin-off del Politecnico di Milano, è diventata una società di capitali con l’obiettivo di migliorare la sostenibilità e la crescita del canale e-commerce, con particolare attenzione alla logistica urbana, agli impatti ambientali e alla riduzione delle emissioni ottimizzando il sistema di consegna e ritiro di pacchi.

Questa acquisizione rappresenta un passo strategico nel percorso di crescita di MBE Worldwide. Infatti lo sviluppo e l’integrazione della piattaforma tecnologica di GEL Proximity a livello globale consentirà ad MBE di rafforzare ulteriormente la sua posizione competitiva come piattaforma commerciale e logistica al servizio delle imprese.

“Il nostro obiettivo strategico è la costruzione di una piattaforma integrata, fisica e digitale, per supportare le attività delle PMI.” – ha dichiarato Paolo Fiorelli, Presidente e Amministratore Delegato MBE – “La combinazione tra una vasta rete di centri servizi e una piattaforma e-commerce tra le più riconosciute al mondo, rende MBE un unicum nel panorama internazionale. Questa acquisizione ci consente di arricchire ulteriormente l’offerta ai nostri clienti affinché, a loro volta, possano meglio servire i loro clienti finali.” – ha concluso Paolo Fiorelli.

Il percorso di GEL Proximity è il risultato di un’idea imprenditoriale costruita con Damiano Frosi e con il supporto del Politecnico di Milano, di Polihub e degli Osservatori Digital Innovation, che hanno avuto un ruolo fondamentale in questi anni, insieme con Europromotion, azienda controllata da Italia Distribuzioni, leader nelle soluzioni di marketing di prossimità.” – ha dichiarato Lorenzo Maggioni, CEO & Co-fondatore di GEL Proximity – “L’ultimo miglio rappresenta oggi la fase più delicata e costosa della catena distributiva e il nostro impegno con MBE sarà quello di facilitare l’accesso ai servizi logistici di Prossimità mediante una tecnologia innovativa ed estremamente personalizzabile.” – ha concluso Lorenzo Maggioni.


Un altro anno straordinario per il Gruppo MBE Worldwide


MBE Worldwide (“MBE”) è una piattaforma leader a livello mondiale nell’offerta di soluzioni in ambito e-commerce, spedizioni, logistica e servizi di stampa e marketing a supporto delle PMI e dei privati.

MBE ha chiuso l’anno fiscale 2021 con un fatturato aggregato pari a € 1,01 miliardi (US$ 1,2 miliardi), generato attraverso la sua piattaforma distributiva – composta da oltre 2.900 Centri Servizi in 53 paesi e attiva con diversi marchi (Mail Boxes Etc., PostNet, PACK & SEND, AlphaGraphics e Multicopy) – e € 24 miliardi (US$ 28,5 miliardi) di valore lordo delle vendite attraverso la piattaforma e-commerce PrestaShop.

Nel 2021 MBE ha concluso con successo diverse acquisizioni strategiche tra cui PrestaShop, PACK & SEND, Multicopy e l’acquisto del business dei licenziatari MBE UK & Ireland.  Inoltre, il Gruppo ha aperto 208 nuovi Centri Servizi a livello globale e ha firmato due nuovi accordi Master Licensee (ML) in Bulgaria e Giordania e un accordo di licenza a Timor Est, espandendo così la sua piattaforma globale in nuovi territori.

“Nonostante il persistente impatto della pandemia, il 2021 è stato un anno straordinario per noi.” ha dichiarato Paolo Fiorelli, Presidente e Amministratore Delegato MBE. “Sia i nostri imprenditori locali che i team Corporate hanno continuato a dimostrare un grande livello di passione e impegno. Siamo stati in grado di chiudere acquisizioni strategiche che ci aiuteranno a rinforzare il nostro posizionamento competitivo e ad accrescere la nostra capacità di servire i clienti a livello globale, mantenendo allo stesso tempo una forte crescita organica. Inoltre, attraverso l’acquisizione di PrestaShop, miriamo ora a massimizzare le opportunità provenienti dall’e-commerce, supportando così il nostro obiettivo a lungo termine di diventare una piattaforma leader per il commercio globale. Non ultimo, abbiamo continuato ad investire nella nostra tecnologia per garantire ai nostri clienti un livello di servizio sempre migliore e una crescente efficienza operativa in tutti i nostri paesi.”, ha concluso Paolo Fiorelli.

Inoltre, i primi mesi del 2022 stanno confermando i trend di crescita che abbiamo osservato negli ultimi mesi del 2021. Questa performance è la diretta conseguenza del valore aggiunto che la rete MBE è in grado di offrire con soluzioni di alta qualità e su misura, sia nel mercato e-commerce che B2B.

La caratteristica valenza digitale e retail, posiziona in modo distintivo MBE come partner ideale nei servizi per le aziende – principalmente PMI ma anche organizzazioni più grandi – in grado di supportare le loro attività commerciali, soprattutto quando vengono maggiormente valorizzati l’elevata qualità del servizio, l’affidabilità e l’approccio su misura. MBE offre i propri servizi con lo stesso impegno e passione con cui le aziende clienti servono i mercati di riferimento. La missione #PeoplePossible incarna la vocazione della Rete mondiale MBE di trovare continuamente nuove soluzioni su misura orientate a rispondere alle necessità di business delle persone, così che possano supportare i propri clienti nell’affrontare al meglio le sfide quotidiane.

Risultati economici 2021 del Gruppo MBE Worldwide

Do you have strong entrepreneurial ambitions? MBE Franchising is looking for you.

MBE Franchising adapts to every individual’s needs and develops on equal opportunities.
We don’t discriminate between genders, tastes or labels. We only focus on the development of the entrepreneur in her professional field. Talent, after all, is talent. That is why we are offering you the opportunity to boost your business and grow as an entrepreneur.

If you want to bet on yourself and have the opportunity to demonstrate your managerial talent, in a well-established company in the field of logistics and shipping, fill out the form and join the Mail Boxes Etc. family. More and more women entrepreneurs are taking leadership roles, and the next one could be you.


Don’t just take our word for it – be inspired by some of our many female franchisees


Why choose MBE?


Being part of our network means making a difference in a sector that is increasingly in demand by businesses and retail customers. Businesswomen are growing steadily around the world, creating incredible businesses and growing national economies. More female entrepreneurs mean more ideas, so more innovation and export potential… skills that Mail Boxes Etc. cannot do without!

Start the journey to your own business now. Don’t worry, MBE will always be at your sid

  • Customised solutions with a unique level of service.
  • Marketing, operational and legal departments to support your business.
  • Internationally negotiated framework agreements to offer higher profit margins.
  • Continuous training.
  • National advertising campaigns and social marketing materials from major agencies.
  • Opportunities to meet and collaborate with other affiliated entrepreneurs.


We offer you training, support and real marketing solutions.
You get a new approach to problem solving, customer relations and team growth.


What are you waiting for? Get started now.